Thursday, October 14, 2010

Driver Shot After Spectacular Car Chase in Brazil

One of the best car chases in history was OJ's car chase but it seems that Brazil has up'd the ante!

A guy in Sao Paolo, Brazil, going about 130 KM/h., and being chased by dozens of police on motorcycles and in cop cars, suddenly found himself going around a corner with a ton of traffic ahead of him. He first narrowly escapes hitting a bus, then tries to ram his way through, between the bus and an SVU. When that doesn't work, he throws it in reverse and backs up — right into a number of cops on motorcycles. More cops swarm and start shooting the guy, who starts going forward again, back into the traffic. He eventually stops, presumably because he's dead from all the shooting. The TV commentator doing the live play by play must moonlight as a soccer announcer, because he goes absolutely nuts. And for us, the craziest part is when a guy in another vehicle nearby gets out of his car and starts running away and a cop runs after him pointing his gun. Thankfully, he wasn't shot and was just an innocent bystander. Watch the video:

Simple rule of thumb, if the cops are chasing you and you've done something illegal stop your fucking car!

Source: brobible


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