Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lord save us from the floods

OK, so the only fucking thing going on in the whole entire fucking planet are the freekin floods! Normally when you speak to someone and you have no substance in terms of conversation you’ll almost always resort to talking about the weather, right! Now its become somewhat of a necessity to discuss how the world must be coming to an end and how all the atheist and agnostics need to start quivering/repent in their boots cause “now you heathens know for sure that JC is coming back”, blah blah blah…

The southern Hemisphere is experiencing some crappy weather, in fact crappy doesn’t even begin to describe it, the term we’re looking for here is “of epic proportions”. Brazil so far has the highest death toll followed by Australia and South Africa struggling in third place with a meagre 40+. Don’t get me twisted I’m not saying that SA’s death toll is insignificant but you can see my logic because Brazil’s death toll is sitting at about 700+, you do the math…

Maybe the media has an obligation to report on the same thing everyday but only alter death tolls, maybe all I want to see or hear about is the same thing everyday even though at this point I grasp the gravity of the situation. Being suckled the same info about the same God forsaken places which are experiencing floods is starting to make stomach turn in places of irritation I never thought possible.

Tiny in comparison to the other pictures

So hows about the media take a roofies and mellow the fuck out and start reporting on something else besides the floods, I swear it didn’t take the media this long to move on from Haiti.

I’m pretty sure that previous generations (sans Moses) must have thought that JC was well on his way back everytime it floods and the predictions that the world is going to end must have been abound. If JC didn’t come back for the WW| and WW|| trust me that nigga ain’t coming back for some menial floods. One word suckers…Global warming!


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