Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Capture Japanese Animation style

Over here we're still recovering from what was undoubtebly a long and eventful. Easter Holiday, with most of you slackers having taken the two working days off last week. Over in the States, they're celebrating Osama has been captured and killed. In what could possibly be the defining act of Obama's tennure.

Anyway, consopiracy theories aside, America is amped. tonnes of video, popping up with people fist pumping and yelling their lungs out. The Japanese, with their animated news, have captured the events, in an awesome way. Shit looks like Team America part 2. Obama, Biden and Bush chets bumping. American troops with some Star trek like tecnology, Osama gettijng his just desserts in hell. If news looked like this more often I'd be glued to the television. Fuckin dead at " 911 Jihad Street."


1 comment:

  1. where did the video go? I watched this at collegehumour but cant find a valid link again
