Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nardwuar at TED

Firstly, I have to separate the wheat from the crap(I know, I know, I know). If you don't know what thae TED talks, are go kill yourself.Secondly, If you don't know who Nardwuar is, go kill yourself. I might just have sentenced some of you to a double death sentence, with my condascending, feelings of self importance. I'm not going to go into a deep write up explainig to you what the TED talks or Nardwuar are, how else will google make money.

I will say this for Nardwuar though,he's arguably Canada’s and perhaps the worlds greatest musical journalist, Nardwuar was recently invited to speak in his native Vancouver, British Columbia(home of ther bud) as part of the city’s TEDxTalks. Through the presentation, Nardwuar shares several memorable moments in his career including securing interviews with Courtney Love & Kurt Cobain, Pharrell, Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, N.E.R.D, the man is so good at what he does, it's good to see him on the other side of the microphone. If you're not acquainted with the human serviette, it's about time you did.


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